Senin, 16 Maret 2009


Ecotourism In Indonesia

Ecotourism, ecolodges, ecotravel, ecosystem, ecology and just generally being “ eco “ have become popular tourism sales pitches. What is true ecoturism ?
The definition of Ecotourism by TIES, 1990 is : “ Ecoturism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the will-being of local people “.
The definition of Ecoturism adopted by Ecoturism Australia is : Ecotourism is ecologically sustainable tourism with a primary focus on experiencing natural areas that fosters environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and conservation.
The definition of Ecotourism adopted by Ecotourism Indonesia is : Ecotourism is travel activity ar part to travel activity, to be done according voluntary to have temporary for enjoyment natural fenomenon, who is to complete criteria or standart sustainable area, and to be done benefit economic, use for peoples. (Directorat General PHKA, JICA, RAKTA 2000). “

The exertion activities of ecotourism are allowed to be held on :
a. Utilization zone of National Park
b. Grand Forest Park
c. Natural Recreation Park

The enterprisers of ecotourism conduct the business include the following :
a. Acomodations, such as tourism lodges, camping ground, etc.
b. Food and beverage
c. Tourism vechile on water
d. Tourism transport
e. Hand crape
f. Facility culture tourism

The rights and liabilities of enterprisers of ecotourism, as follow :
a. Right of Ecotourism industry
1) Managing facilities of ecotourism according to the business type
2) Receiving the retain from the tourist used the servis.
3) Securing and policing the tourist.
b. Liabilities of Ecotourism Industry
1) Making a plan of exertion of ecotourism
2) Conducting the actual activities of ecotoutirism
3) Building the profer facilities of ecotourism
4) Employing the specialist of ecotourism
5) Involving the local community around the area of ecotourism

The success of the exertion activities of ecotourism is strong influenced by the accessibility reaching the profer objects, interested attractions and olso the readness of the local community to service the tourist.
Beside that the existing of public facilities is anather factor influences to the success of the exertion activities of ecotourism. That factor include bus station, home stay, restaurant, post office, gasoline, market etc.

Ecoturism Criteria
Those who implement and participate in ecotourism activities should follow the following ecotourism principles :
a. Minimize impact.
b. Build environmental and cultural awarness and respect.
c. Providing positive experiences for both visitor and hosts.
d. Providing financial benefits and emprowerment for local community.
e. Inceasing the sensitvy to authority’s political, enviromental, and social climate.

Ideally, ecotourism should satisfy criteria, such as :
a. Conservation of biological diversity and cultural diversity through ecosystem protection.
b. Promotion of sustainable use of biodiversity, by providing jobs to local community.
c. Sharing of socio-economic benefits with local communities and indigenous peoples by having their informed consent and participation in the management of ecotourism enterprises.
d. Tourism to unspoiled natural resources, by minimalizing the impact on the environment as the primary concern.
e. Minimalization of tourism’m impact on the environmental.
f. Affordabilty and lack of waste in the form of luxury.
g. Local culture, flora and fauna being the main attractions.

On many locations in Indonesia, ecotourism is not simply a marginal activity to finance protection of the environment, but is mayor industry of the regional economy. For example, in Bali Island, Toba Like, Bromo Mountrain, Yogyakarta city etc, ecotourism represents a significant portion of the gross domestic product and economic activity.
The concept of ecotourism is widely misunderstood and n practice is often used as a marketing tool to promote tourism, which is related to nature. This is an especially frequent mal practice in the realm of Jungle tourism. Criitics claim that these greenwashing practices, carried out in the name of ecotourism, often consist of placing a hotel in a splendid landscape, to the detriment of the ecosystem. According to them, ecotourism must above all sensitize people to the beauty and the fragility of nature. They condemn some operators as greenwshing their operations : using the labels of “ green “ and “ eco-friendly “ while behaving in environmentally irresponsible ways.

Ecotourism servis
Protection servis on land scape and nature beauty can be done by utilization of ecotourism or nature tourism. The enterpriser of ecotourism can gain profit and also contribute by the Non Tax National Income. This kind of National income enaught high. Unti 2008, there are many enterpriser of ecotourism operate in Indonesia either on big scale or small scale.
The exertion activities of ecotourism in Indonesia was regulated by Government Ordinance ; Peraturam Pemerintah Republik Indoensia Nomor 18 / 1994 and Ministry Decree of Forestry Department ; Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan Nomor 446 dan 447 / 1996
There are inadequacies of those regulation, such as :
a. Those do not differentiate the right and the liabilities of the different enterprisers. The are many kind of enterprisers, such as private enterprisers, government company, cooperation and personal enterprisers.
b. Those do not contain the authority delegation from Ministry of Forestry to Technical Managing Unit that manage the concervation areas.
c. Those do not regulate the participation of local community
d. Those do not contain the mechanism of finance support of ecotourism to conservation areas.
So the brief story of ecotourism in Indonesia. Hope that, it will be useful for everyone.

Write by : Agus Hermawan Apandi

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